
Conference: “Brave New World? Shakespeare 400 years on”
MONDAY 21 MARCH 2016, 6.30PM
Registration required at

In the last act of Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Miranda who has lived her whole life in island exile, first meets a group of real, live, new people: ‘O brave new world,/ That has such people in’t!’, she says; ‘ ‘Tis new to thee.’ sighs her world-weary father, Prospero, who has seen a bit too much plotting in his life.
Four hundred years after Shakespeare’s death, someone, somewhere in the world is always encountering his words for the first time. This panel explores some ways in which Shakespeare continues to live and to be reinvented; it also examines the joys — and the frustrations — of living with Shakespeare 400 years on.
Continue reading “Paris”


e festival ne pouvait manquer de s’associer à cette commémoration pour revenir sur les adaptations de l’œuvre de Shakespeare au cinéma, et plus précisément dans le cinéma britannique. (en collaboration avec les universités, le British Council et le British Film Institute).

La table ronde annuelle sera ainsi consacrée à ce thème. Continue reading “Nîmes”


La conférence d’Emma Smith (Hertford College, Oxford) aura lieu le 13 mai 2016 de 17h30 à 19h30 en Salle 16 de l’Institut du Monde anglophone (IMA), 5 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine, 75006 Paris (Métro: Odéon). Elle est ouverte à tous.


La conférence d’Eric Rasmussen (University of Nevada) a lieu le 15 avril 2016 de 17h30 à 19h30 en salle 16 de l’Institut du Monde anglophone (IMA), 5 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine, 75006 Paris (Métro: Odéon). Elle est ouverte à tous.


Cuore propulsivo delle iniziative è il convegno internazionale Shakespeare e la Memoria di Roma, il quale, a partire dalle opere di ambientazione romana (Titus Andronicus, The Rape of Lucrece, Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, Cymbeline), aspira a cogliere il significato profondo della presenza di Roma nel complesso della produzione shakespeariana. La Roma antica rappresenta un riferimento costante nell’opera del drammaturgo, non solo come luogo geografico o storico, ma più in generale come palcoscenico del mondo. È serbatoio molteplice e universale di immagini, figurazioni, forme di governo, testi, valori, segni, che abitano l’immaginario shakespeariano. È modello da emulare e contrastare secondo la logica della translatio imperii. Il convegno analizzerà il ruolo di Roma come nodo di tensione fra passato e presente, espressione delle complesse dinamiche della memoria, figura parentale quasi ossessiva, insieme desiderata e negata. Continue reading “Roma”


The International Conference Shakespeare and The Memory of Rome, the very heart and scientific focus of this project, concentrates on Shakespeare’s ‘Roman’ plays and works (Titus Andronicus, The Rape of Lucrece, Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, Cymbeline). The conference highlights the profound significance of Rome within the Shakespearean corpus. The image of ancient Rome has a strategic, metaphorical connotation in the playwright’s work, functioning not only as a physical, geographical or historical place, but chiefly as the emblem of the world itself and of a worldwide stage. It is a rich reservoir of images, figurations, forms of government, texts, values, and signs, which all inhabit Shakespeare’s imaginary world. It is a model to be emulated as well as challenged, according to the logic of translatio imperii. The conference will therefore analyse the role of Rome as a cluster of tensions between past and present, and as an expression of the complex dynamics of memory, an almost obsessive parental figure, both desired and denied. Continue reading “Rome”

Buenos Aires

Dramaturgía y Traducción: Mónica Maffía
Actúan: Lautaro Alvarez, Sergio Ballerini, Juan Manuel Barrera Hernandez, Patricia Calzada Valle, Juan Pablo Carrasco, Francisco Cerra, Julio Cortés, Pablo Cortez, Gigi Courtade, Sergio Falcón, Cristina Fernandez, Guillermo Jáuregui, Aldo Fabián Onofri, Adriana Perez Gianny, Guido Pietranera, Julian Pinto, Kevin Schiele, Ramiro Zurita Continue reading “Buenos Aires”


Celebrating the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death and the 500th anniversary of Queen Mary I’s birth, this conference will take stock of the current research on censorship in early modern England in order to understand in what ways this research has or not contributed to the construction of modernity. In Shakespeare’s case, critics have often pointed out the multiplicity of rhetorical strategies used by the playwright to bypass the critical eyes of the authorities, probably less to shun censorship than to play with its rules. Yet the Tudors were keen to silence their enemies thanks to a legislative arsenal aimed at repressing religious opponents in particular. As early as 1529, Henry VIII’s government banned a whole series of so-called subversive books and, in 1557, a royal charter granted the Stationers’ Company a monopoly to print works so as to fight more efficiently against heresy. [… more on the conference website …]


A special performance of the new original score by Robin Harris for Sven Garde’s 1920 production of Hamlet, one of the most absorbing and innovative Shakespearean film adaptations of the silent period.

Danish diva Asta Nielsen stars with a powerful, alluring performance as the Prince of Denmark. Born a girl but brought up as a boy, she discovers the truth about Claudius and her mother the Queen and seeks to avenge her Father’s death.

With live musical accompaniment by Robin Harris and Laura Anstee.

Germany 1920 Dir Sven Garde

Commissioned by the Société Française Shakespeare for Shakespeare’s 450th birthday.


Le programme 2016: A YEAR WITH SHAKESPEARE! est organisé tout au long de l’année 2016 à Montpellier et dans sa région, par l’IRCL, Institut de recherche sur la Renaissance, l’âge Classique et les Lumières (UMR5186 CNRS, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3), sous les auspices de la Société Française Shakespeare, à l’occasion du quadricentenaire de la mort du dramaturge.